Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Circus Shoot with LITTLE MISS HUGO


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Miss Twisted

So I was chatting to Miss Twisted a while ago about some framed Victorian styled pictures my partner had brought me from the market. They were the type where the normal image was displayed until you moved and it changed into something more sinister.

MODEL: Miss Twisted
MUAH: Cherry Bombshell Beauty
PHOTOGRAPHY: Julz Photography
Here are the rest of the lighter versions from the shoot:

More of my sister Kerri :)

A while ago I was doing a challenge with a few other photographers which entailed photographing the objects sent from photographer to photographer in our own way. The idea was to not share the images until the end and to see how differently we envisioned the same items.

We started and all was well but I think most of us got busy and have since put the project on hold.

Anyway, long story short - this is what made me convince my sister to be a model for an hour or two. She was very easy going (although a bit nervous, having never modelled before) but was happy to have her hair and make up done (thanks Naomi from Cherry Bombshell Beauty!) and go with the flow.

Here is the 2nd half of the shoot. The first half is still in hiding as part of the previous mentioned challenge :)



Friday, November 15, 2013

Miss Twisted

MODEL: Miss Twisted
MUAH: Cherry Bombshell Beauty
PHOTOGRAPHY: Julz Photography

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Had a shoot with Celeste yesterday (aka Little Miss Hugo) and decided to make her some timeline designs from some of our shoots over the last couple of years.
Celeste like a few others has been there for me from the early stages of me deciding to pursue Photography and take it as far as I possibly can.
She has allowed herself be my victim for many occasions and in various challenging situations which allowed me to learn a great deal. She is also one of my best friends.
Thank you Celeste xox

Thursday, October 17, 2013

So I finally got to meet Lena!!
We shot three different looks and all turned out really well as Lena is so much fun to photograph!!
Samii from Make Up By Sam did her hair and make-up and it was flawless as usual.

One set made it into INKED GIRLS AUSTRALIA/NZ Magazine (Spring 2013 Edition) but the other two have been sitting in folders on my computer for a few months now not having seen the light of day.

So thought as I am catching up on my studies and I have made an effort to not take on as much work in the past couple of months - now is the time to start posting my backlog of finished images from various shoots. Starting with Lena who has been super patient!!